söndag, augusti 04, 2024

Reclaim the net

Long ago, the Internet was a vibrant place.

People published stuff for others to read. Commented on each other's blogs. Shared information.

Then came the social media. And we resorted to publish things using platforms such as Tw*tter, F*cebook and Inst*gram.

We put the power into the hands of a few owners of big companies. For something that we essentially already had. The ability to publish things and share information with each other.

Is it possible to reclaim the power from the few? Yes, it is. And at the same time we make it hard for authoritan governments to use the dominant social media platforms for their own dark purposes.

Can we do it without having to create yet another social media?

Yes, we can. Because we already have "another" social media.

The Internet, the World Wide Web is by itself a social media platform.

The only problem is that the tools for using it are kind of hard. The social media platfoms rose to power because they made it easy to connect with people and publish on the web.

But what if we make it easy too? Easy to publish things, read things, but also connect with those special to us and only let them see what we publish?

Totally independent of any single vendor! Totally independent of a single platform owner!

What if we investigated those possibilities together? Created the software for doing this, together?

I already have a couple of ideas on how it can come into reality, and I have seen others thinking in the same vein. Let's do it!

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